A 501c3 charity which rescues ABANDONED CHILDREN and establishes SELF-SUSTAINING ORPHANAGES around the world. We provide desperately needed medical treatment, food, shelter, clothing, sanitary facilities, standard and vocational education, preparing them for successful adult lives. We have rescued, fed, clothed, treated, protected, and educated well over 800 starving, exposed, abandoned infants, toddlers, and pre-teens. We are Volunteers who through 8 years of struggle and learning, have found the way. Every penny donated goes DIRECTLY to providing for the children's needs, with extremely low overhead.
We are unpaid VOLUNTEERS who do what must be done. I established Almsgivers, Inc. after I was released from the hospital. I had developed Congestive Heart Failure (25% function) and A-Fib. The night before the last possible minimally invasive procedure, knowing that I was gone, I said to God "If you'll spare my life, I'll find holy things to do with it." I woke up the next day saying "I'm alive." I incorporated an IRS Exempt Charity, borrowed money (my having been gradually more and more incapacitated and my industries - motion pictures and music/tour management - were greatly impacted by Covid, etc.) and began to support a young man in Africa, who "couldn't take it anymore," posting a photo on FB of himself standing among 40 toddlers which he had collected from the forests and streets, sewage canals, and picked-clean trash heaps. I gave a thumbs up. He replied "Please help us." I couldn't sleep for weeks, and had to do something even for my own health. I would send $50 to him every few weeks, which cost me $50 through Western Union. He even sold his shoes for money to feed them. Eventually, after our having to battle terrorists, rival orphanages, gangs, Covid, Ebola, Malaria, AIDS...I realized that the problem - even on this small scale - required very much more than I am able to do as an individual, but perhaps I could publicize the global problem, and provide a legitimate mechanism for others to "give alms to the poor" DIRECTLY, as I do. Somehow, we found the way. Sending funds to needy children is an endless money-pit, and only returns them to the communities which rejected them in the first place. Well-meaning governments are at a loss as to how to solve the problem. I built classrooms, bought farmland, hired teachers, a full time Nurse, a refrigerator for vaccines (requiring armed guards for transport from the hospital), a vehicle, electronic perimeter security devices, and highly armed guards/police. The boy wearing white pants in the photo was being tortured and starved by his stepmother to embezzle the Aid money directed to him by caring individuals. We kidnapped and hospitalized him, then were required to return him. One of our children took video of her attempting to kill him (which I will share with you - but be warned), lifting him over her head, throwing him on the hard ground, and kicking him in the head. After recovering from a coma, clot on the brain, he was placed under 24-hr. Anti-Terrorist Police protection, after her gang poisoned (to death) our court-appointed Public Defender so that Baraka wouldn't testify. After paying a considerable fee to adopt him, the gov't realized how serious we are, and declared that every child we rescue is officially adopted by the Orphanage - including a 3 week old boy found in a garbage can (photo below). This is your world too, and we are tens of thousands of abandoned children's only hope, if we can work together to remedy this unspeakable nightmare worldwide. Preliminary groundwork is being done in two other regions of crushing need elsewhere in the world, and preparations made for expansion to them, always with their national and local community approval and encouragement. We are not strangers but partners. Suburban families line up to register their children for the same education which we give to our orphans, and our new Pharmacy is nearing completion, including its own road. It can be done, with unrelenting determination, and enough funds. I ask for nothing. I am only keeping my word.
Please join us and BE an ALMS-giver!
Marko Wallace, Director
"People like us do things like this. Will you choose to matter?"